To find the latitude and longitude of Devonport TAS, please enter the location name in the control. Along with the Devonport TAS’s GPS coordinates, you can also check other parameters like Weather, Humidity, and Elevation of the location.


Converting coordinates from one datum to another requires a datum transformation such as a Helmert transformation, although in certain situations a simple translation may be sufficient. In popular GIS software, data projected in latitude/longitude is often represented as a Geographic Coordinate System.

However, in order to measure the position of a location based on the longitude, cartographers and geographers over the course of history have designated different locations as the main longitudinal reference point. Latitude and Longitude app for android allows you to get or share map coordinates of your current location. You can share gps coordinates in many ways using Latitude Longitude app. - share your current gps location with anyone using GPS coordinates, address or both. - share a location of some point on the map coordinate.

Devonport longitude and latitude coordinates

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The latitude of Devonport, Tasmania, Australia is -41.180557, and the longitude is 146.346390. Devonport, Tasmania, Australia is located at Australia country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 41° 10' 50.0052'' S and 146° 20' 47.0040'' E. Publicity: With this tool you can get coordinates of any point or place near Devonport province of Tasmania. If you need to know the longitude and latitude coordinates for your home or property, farms and ranches and other places in both urban and environmental field or near Devonport coordinate with our calculator will get it. Latitude:-41° 10' 6.60" S Longitude: 146° 25' 29.39" E. Nearest city to this article: Devonport Read about Devonport Airport in the Wikipedia Satellite map of Devonport Airport in Google Maps GPS coordinates of Devonport Airport, Australia Coordinates of Devonport in degrees and decimal minutes-41° 10.617′ S 146° 21.091′ E Coordinates of Devonport in degrees, minutes and seconds Latitude: S41°10'37.02" Longitude: E146°21'5.47" Height of Devonport above sea level is 28 m. This tool permits the user to convert latitude and longitude between decimal degrees and degrees, minutes, and seconds. For convenience, a link is included to the National Geodetic Survey's NADCON program, which allows conversions between the NAD83 / WGS84 coordinate system and the older NAD27 coordinate system.

GPS Coordinates Finder. Latitude and Longitude Finder get or share GPS coordinates, address, and Latitude and Longitude. Get gps coordinates from address, or get address from latitude and longitude or Lat Long.

EAST SALE (AUS-AFB). This page gives complete information about the Devonport Airport along with the airport location map, Time Zone, lattitude and longitude, Current time and date,  The latitude of Devonport, Tasmania, Australia is -41.180557, and the longitude is 146.346390. Devonport, Tasmania, Australia is located at Australia country in  Devonport airport.

Devonport longitude and latitude coordinates

Where exactly, physically and geographically in latitude and longitude, is the magnetic north located?

Devonport longitude and latitude coordinates

(EG, 2254,7895). If those numbers were somehow scaled to fit on a 640,480 display I could get a coordinate of 60,48. I want to convert the longitude and latitude values on the map to GTA V coordinates. Someone replied to other post saying I would need to make the map use a cartesian coordinate system and linked this page from the Leaflet documentation. I still do not understand how to apply this to my question.

Devonport longitude and latitude coordinates

You can share gps coordinates in many ways using Latitude Longitude app. - share your current gps location with anyone using GPS coordinates, address or both.
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Devonport longitude and latitude coordinates

For decimal degrees, Latitude (-90 to 90) and longitude (-180 to 180). Coordinates. GPS coordinates are formed by two components that are a latitude , giving the north-south position, and a longitude, giving the east-west position..

To find the latitude, look at the horizontal lines running north to south from the equator. Count the lines from the equator to the location and write down that number in degrees along with “N” or “S” depending on whether the location is north or south of the equator. This animation illustrates that standard way of describing a location on the earth's spherical surface using latitude and longitude. The zero points for the United States of America Latitude and Longitude.
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Alternatively click the 'Get Map Centre' button to get the location of the centre of the map. Or you can type the latitude/longitude to see the location on the map. And you can use Street View to improve your positioning, where it's available. I am studying pArk Apple sample code, and how it is works. anyone knows how convert the latitude and longitude to ECEF coordinates, and Covert ECEF to ENU coordinates centered at given lat, lon fun How to convert projected coordinates to latitude longitude? The Python module pyproj is a cartographic projections and coordinate transformations library, which converts from longitude, latitude to native map projection x,y coordinates and vice versa, its classes Proj and transform will help us to get the GPS coordinates. Longitude and Latitude – GPS Coordinates.

Latitude/Longitude (Absolute Locations) Hobart: (capital city) 42° 52' S, 147° 19' E Davenport: 41° 10' S, 146° 21' E Launceston: 41° 26' S, 147° 8' E; Latitudes 

Professionals use Longitudes and Latitudes to locate any entity of the world using coordinates. Longitudes and Latitudes are the angles measured from the center of Earth as the origin.

Correct: 41.40338, 2.17403. List latitude coordinates before longitude coordinates. Check that the first number in your latitude coordinate is between Converting coordinates from one datum to another requires a datum transformation such as a Helmert transformation, although in certain situations a simple translation may be sufficient.